From the Chair
It seems like a decade ago that the COVID-19 pandemic struck the United States, leading to more general uncertainty than I have ever experienced. The doctors, residents, nurse practitioners, nurses, receptionists, schedulers, and administrators in the Department of Dermatology pulled together like a family and found a way forward. We made mistakes, but we stuck together. All decisions were made to serve the needs of our patients. During the period when our clinics were closed, we also invested in writing a textbook: Dermatology in Rural Setting--Organizational, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Perspectives. Hopefully, this will be completed in November.
At the same time, we are well aware that private practice dermatologists in Mississippi gave their all during this period. Some had harrowing personal experiences with COVID-19 as did some of our faculty and staff. I salute all of Mississippi’s dermatologic heroes!!! I must make special mention of individuals we lost to COVID-19…including Joe Farnham, the husband of our beloved administrative assistant, Peg Farnham. As we move toward an optimistic future, we must take the time to celebrate our success, learn from the past, and honor our fallen heroes.
Bob Brodell, MD
Professor and Chair
UMMC Department of Dermatology
Cell: 330-883-5302